There’s no denying that LMS key features facilitate eLearning. If you’re unsure as to what eLearning is then you are not alone. ‘eLearning’ is a red-hot term these days. According to eLearning NC, “Understanding eLearning is simple. eLearning is learning utilizing electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom. In most cases, it refers to a course, program, or degree delivered completely online.” In other words, eLearning is learning that happens online.
In corporate settings, eLearning looks a little different than it does in, say, an educational setting. Most often, online learning that takes place in a corporate setting is delivered through an LMS, also referred to as a social learning management system or an eLearning platform. Find out exactly what an LMS is by referring to the article What is an LMS?

LMS Key Features Facilitate eLearning
An LMS is an expert tool for facilitating eLearning. However, it’s not the eLearning platform itself that promotes eLearning. It is a learning management system’s features that organize, distribute, and make online learning possible. Here are a few LMS key features that facilitate eLearning:
- Mobile learning – Mobile learning has forever changed the face of corporate training. Yesterday’s training took place in a boardroom; today’s training happens in a person’s living room via smartphone, laptop, tablet, or other mobile device. Mobile learning is one of the LMS key features that facilitates eLearning by making training available online to employees 24/7. Truly, mobile learning is the epitome of convenience. It fits into a busy learner’s lifestyle in ways that traditional, classroom-style learning can’t. Steve Penfold, writer for eLearning Industry, wrote, “Smartphones are so convenient that 70 percent of modern learners use them to learn. In spite of these mobile-friendly numbers, only 12 percent of corporate education is mobile-compatible, leaving a void that needs bridging by learning technology.” Obviously, not enough companies are offering mobile learning to their employees, even though almost three-fourths of workers prefer mobile learning. Implementing an LMS that enables mobile learning is one of the smartest moves any company leader can make.
- Social Learning – At our core, we are all social creatures. That doesn’t change when we step foot in an office. Because we learn best when we learn collaboratively, social learning tools are LMS key features that facilitate online learning. In her article 4 Important Reasons to Encourage Social Learning, Heera Edwin stated, “We always thought that learning took place within the four walls of a corporate training classroom, but that’s never been the case; real learning has always happened around the coffee machine in the office, and in (non) shady nooks and joints where like-minded individuals got together to share ideas.” We agree. Social learning tools that encourage collaboration and peer-to-peer learning outside of a physical classroom include video conferencing, realtime chat, calendaring, social media for professional purposes, Shoutbox, and forums. LMS seekers should consider online learning platforms that offer these features.
- Language localization – Language localization is also a vital aspect of the group of LMS key features that promote online learning. This feature allows an LMS to be deployed in a learner’s native language. In today’s multicultural workforce, such a feature is absolutely crucial. There’s nothing that will prevent a person from engaging in online learning, or any type of learning, like not having access to training materials in a language that is comprehensible. That stated, language localization is vital to promoting online learning.
- LMS content creation – Another one of the LMS key features that facilitates online learning is LMS content creation. ‘LMS content creation’ usually refers a library of online learning content that administrators can pull from to put together online courses for their employees. Online learning cannot take place apart from LMS content, so this feature should be an integral part of a functional, effective social learning management system.
Find an Online Learning Platform with the LMS Key Features Your Employees Need to Succeed
Finding an online learning platform with the LMS key features your learners want and need shouldn’t be a chore. Let us make the process easy for you by suggesting TOPYX LMS. TOPYX LMS is a fully hosted, full-featured social learning management system that has been awarded for its exceptional design and performance capabilities. TOPYX LMS features mobile learning, social learning, language, localization, and LMS content creation. Not just that, it has additional built-in features such as learning management reporting, learning tools interoperability (LTI), salesforce integration, and more. Learn about TOPYX’s LMS key features today. Better yet, request a free demo of TOPYX LMS.
Features can make or break an LMS. As we’ve learned, there are certain LMS key features that ensure an online learning platform will be a success after implementation. Mobile learning, social learning, language localization, and LMS content creation are must-have features that any quality eLearning system should possess. Features like these promote learning that takes place in an online context, which is exactly what employees need in order to transfer training and put it to good use.
Does your organization currently utilize a social learning management system? If so, what LMS key features benefit your company most?