Are you interested in saving your organization money? Would you like to give your learning management system users an amazing experience?
If so, you need to know about Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI). LTI is the latest, greatest creation of the tech world. No organizational leader should be ignorant of LTI. It offers great benefits for learning management system users and administrators.
According to IMS Global Learning Consortium, the developer of LTI, Learning Tools Interoperability is a specification. LTI establishes “a standard way of integrating rich learning applications. These applications are often remotely hosted and provided through third-party services. And, they are often used with platforms like learning management systems…”
A few learning applications, also called tools, can be integrated into an LMS. Or, they can be integrated into other platforms. The Learning Tools Interoperability feature enables this. These learning applications include:
It’s probable that your company is already using one, two or several of these tools. Your organization may already use a learning management system. Or an eLearning system. Or, your organization may be looking to install one in the future. Learning management systems that are compliant with Learning Tools Interoperability are especially valuable. These allow LMS administrators to connect tools and systems. They also allow data sharing data between various web-based platforms. LTI offers some amazing benefits. That said, Learning Tools Interoperability should be a feature of any quality LMS.
Learning Tools Interoperability benefits both users and administrators of learning management systems. Here’s how:
LTI Enhances Learning for LMS Users: LTI connects systems and allows data sharing. This changes the eLearning experience of LMS users for the better. How? By enabling a straightforward, single sign-on login procedure. LTI prevents confusion. It simplifies LMS usage, enhancing a user’s learning experience.
Learning Tools Interoperability Saves Administrators Money: Learning Tools Interoperability can save you, a business owner, big bucks. As stated on Training Industry’s website, “(With LTI), training organizations can incorporate tools developed outside their own communities. They can also leverage higher functionality without the related labor and cost.” The LTI feature prevents the need for IT help with an LMS. This reduces or even prevents IT-related costs. IMS Global Learning Consortium says, “Vendors should take advantage of a common approach to interoperability. LTI integrations can be completed faster and at a much lower cost.”
You can dodge IT expenses and give users the best learning experience possible. A Learning Tools Interoperability-compliant eLearning system is the key.
Learning Tools Interoperability is a feature that no LMS should be without. eLearning systems that are not interoperable with other systems can be problematic. They often seem like more a hindrance than a help. TOPYX is an award-winning LMS. It serves clients such as Big Brothers Big Sisters, Rotary International and Honeywell. TOPYX features LTI and is compatible with the systems your organization relies on and uses on a daily basis.
Successful organizations rely on many different systems and applications. This helps them to run smoothly, grow quickly and prosper. Up-and-coming companies can simplify daily business operations by integrating all necessary systems. There is no easier way to connect systems and share data between web-based platforms. Learning Tools Interoperability is key. For the good of your organization, consider implementing an LTI-compliant learning management system.