Because of the Coronavirus pandemic, many employees who once worked on location now work remotely, and that trend will only increase as the global health crisis plays out. Without support, online training, employee training software, and guidance from their employer, staff won’t be as successful working from home as they were working in the office.
Employees may put the company at greater risk of a data breach if they switch from working on company devices to personal devices. By implementing a few simple tips, employers can help staff work remotely while protecting company data and remaining productive.

How to Ensure Employees Are Successful
When Working from Home
Here are a few ways you can best support your employees as they work remotely:
1. Invest in an Online Learning Platform
There has never been a better time to invest in an online learning platform. An eLearning system helps to make remote work and training possible by putting tools like web conferencing, real-time chat, forums, group communities, course communities, media galleries, and more at employees’ fingertips.
An eLearning platform enables companies to offer online training and empower remote work through features such as reporting, certifications/compliance management, LMS integrations, and content management.
An online learning platform makes it possible for employees to work and train on their personal mobile devices via mobile learning features. This makes work and training convenient as employees can access the resources and tools they need anytime, from any device.
2. Provide Mandatory Cybersecurity Training
The Coronavirus pandemic is making companies more vulnerable to hackers. “As many companies adopt work-from-home policies in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, cybersecurity is a growing issue,” stated the World Economic Forum1. “Cybercriminals are seeking to exploit coronavirus to target companies and individuals.”
To prevent data breaches, companies must provide cybersecurity training that teaches employees how to protect company data as they work remotely. Some topics an online cybersecurity training course should cover include passwords, ransomware, spam, phishing, malware, and social engineering.
Have an in-house SME from your IT team help you create course content or purchase a pre-made course off the shelf. In addition to having access to an online cybersecurity course, workers should also be given access to an online “best practices for promoting cybersecurity” document with a search feature. They can refer to this guide when they have a cybersecurity question they need to quickly find the answer to.
Learn More: 3 Ways Learning Management Systems Help Organizations During COVID-19
3. Make IT Support Available to Remote Employees During Business Hours
One thing company leaders will need to fight as they help staff make the switch from working on location to working from home is reduced employee productivity.
Without the social support of their coworkers, accountability from the physical presence of supervisors, and the distractions and anxiety caused by startling news headlines, it is tough for many employees to perform at their typical level. Additionally, technological roadblocks, such as their computer crashing, will minimize their productivity.
Ensure remote employees remain productive by making IT support available to them online and by phone, during business hours. This will help them get technical issues resolved promptly, right at the point of need in some cases.
Related Reading: How eLearning Tools Enable Remote Training During the COVID19 Pandemic
Survey Employees to Best Determine
What They Need to Succeed
With the right support, an employee can succeed at working remotely, even in the face of the Coronavirus pandemic. This includes access to IT staff, online cybersecurity training, and a learning management system with a full suite of LMS features.
Use your eLearning system to distribute employee surveys that ask workers whether or not they thrive when working fully independently and pacing their work and training, or when they have strict deadlines and online interactions with others. Their answers will help you gauge how much online social interaction and accountability each employee needs and design their remote training and work experience in a way that maximizes their success.
For more tips on how eLearning tools can help your organization, read our blog “How eLearning Tools Enable Remote Training During the COVID19 Pandemic” or request a personalized LMS demo today.