Has your company recently launched a learning management system (LMS)? Or has your company been using an eLearning platform for years? If it has, you understand the importance of properly training internal LMS users. Without sufficient training, internal LMS users aren't likely to take full advantage of their advanced learning platform. That would be counter-productive. Especially considering that you have invested precious time and money in deploying this software. As our previous article Train Internal LMS Users in 3 Steps explained, the process of teaching employees to use an eLearning system needn’t be painstaking. Training internal eLearning system users can be accomplished in 3 easy steps. This is true for training external LMS users as well.
External eLearning system users are your company’s customers, paid members and subscribers. These individuals keep money flowing into your organization. For this reason, it is crucial that they stay connected to your company’s valuable products and services via a social learning management system. However, no matter how impressive your LMS may be, it will be useless to an external user if he or she does not know how to interact with it. This is where training comes in.
In addition to encouraging customer loyalty and potentially increasing revenue, teaching external users to operate your LMS is important because…
This is why it's worthwhile to train your customers, paid members and subscribers in the proper usage of your company’s eLearning platform.
Showing external users how to navigate an LMS is often easy and quick. Even easier and quicker than training internal users. Considering this, there is little or no reason to put it off. Here are 3 simple ways to begin training external users:
An LMS is an exclusive communication channel. It connects customers and subscribers to your company. Using an LMS you can further engage the people who support your company. Help them to maneuver the ins and outs of your LMS. Keep in mind that internal users are not required to utilize an external eLearning platform. Your job is to create attractive, easy-to-use training options. Help external users to make the most of their training. Help enable them to use and navigate your LMS with ease.
Can you think of some effective ways to train external LMS users? We’d love to know your thoughts, so leave a comment in the space below.